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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We’ve got all the answers you need.

How often should I use the blanket?

We recommend 2-3 times per week.

There is no strict rule, so listen to your body and go with what makes you feel best.

Is there a difference between MiHIGH and a regular Infrared Sauna?

The MiHIGH blanket uses the same infrared technology, but in blanket format.

Do I get the same effect with my face being out of the blanket?

The blanket heats up your entire body from within, because of the infrared heat.

So yes, you'll still sweat from your face as your core temperature increases..

Put on some headphones and relax to your favourite music, podcasts or audiobook!

I’ll sweat in the blanket.. so how do I clean it?


The blanket is completely waterproof, so the sweat wipes away with ease.

Simply combine water and some tea tree oil to make your own natural anti-bacterial cocktail. Or use a natural clean wipe.

Wipe down the blanket and let it dry before folding it away. Takes 2minutes.

Is the blanket low EMF?

Yes! Our blankets have been made specifically with low EMF heating.

What comes with MiHIGH blanket purchase?

The infrared sauna blanket, controller and brochure.

What’s a MiHIGH blanket made from?

We use a high-quality leather exterior and a waterproof interior. All heating layers are protected with fireproof insulators.

How does the blanket charge/run?

Simply connect your controller to the blanket, then plug it into the wall.

Our blankets are made with UK standard plugs.
Be cautious of international electric sources, as we have only tested our product on these electrical standards. Use in other electrical sources are done at your own risk.

How long does the blanket take to heat up?

10-15 minutes to full temperature, or 2minutes before you start feeling a little heat. 

Remember to use your blanket on-top of a heat proof surface.

How do I adjust the blanket temperature?

Our easy to use blanket controller has a temperature gauge that can be increased by increments of 5 C°.

Temperature can go from 25-75 C°.

Please remember, it is very important to listen to your body while in the blanket. We recommend starting between 50-60 C° and working up from there.

What is the warranty?

There is a 12 month warranty. See the warranty page for more details. 

Do you ship globally?

We currently ship around The United States, Canada, United Kindom, Australia and New Zealand. We are working hard to ship to more countries soon.

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